Kentucky lawmaker Mary Lou Marzian introduced a bill, HB 396, which would require at least two doctor’s visits and a permission slip from one’s wife, before a man could acquire Viagra.
“I want to protect these men from themselves,” said Marzian, a nurse.
HB 396 also specifies that only married men may obtain the drug and requires “a man to make a sworn statement with his hand on a Bible that he will only use a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction when having sexual relations with his current spouse.”
“This is about family values,” she said.
She entered this bill in as a response to the recent SB4 bill that passed through both the Kentucky Senate and House.
“The Kentucky House passed anti-abortion measure SB4, which requires counseling 24 hours prior to an abortion. A House floor amendment and committee substitute added this evening allow for the use of telehealth to complete the counseling requirement.
SB4 adds an unnecessary barrier to safe and legal abortion procedures.”