Black right-wing activist, Trump supporter and radio host Jesse Lee Peterson spent most of his program yesterday preaching against athletes who have knelt during the national anthem, declaring that “people don’t like black people any more because of this cr*p.”
“Kneeling during the national anthem is getting black people nowhere,” Peterson said. “If anything, it’s causing people to hate you because you are no good, disrespectful, unappreciative.”
The radio host claims that these protests are “really evil” and declared that the athletes who are participating “are not noble men, these are no good men.”
“It is evil and it is too bad for black people,” he said. “You’re hurting yourself and your image. Nobody likes you anymore. People don’t like black people any more because of this crap. They never stand up for good, they always stand for evil.”
Peterson should be ashamed for not supporting his own people, and instead, kissing up to that racist clown who is ruining the office of the President. Shame on Peterson! Shame on anyone who supports Trump!! He is an evil, immoral, misogynistic, narcissistic sociopath, who never stops lying. How Peterson can support him and turn his back on his own people, is unbelievable. I hope Karma bites him in the a**, while it’s taking a major bite out of the orange clown…and hopefully it will be sooner, rather than later…(which might be too late, if a nuclear attack happens)…thanks to the orange clown and his big mouth…and big ego.