49-year-old Frederick Nolan Sorrell of Gresham, Oregon has been arraigned on Hate Crime charges after attacking a Muslim couple.
Sorrel was captured crying his eyes out after his arraignment on hate crime charges, Portland TV station KGW reports.
According to the report, The 49-year-old followed the couple for more than 20 blocks, harassing them the whole way. Sorrel also allegedly tried to strike the victim’s vehicle.
He also, “made pointing hand gestures that were said to resemble pulling the trigger of a gun, and shouted things like, ‘take off the f*cking burka,’ ‘this is America,’ and ‘go back to your f*cking country,’” according to the Council on American-Islamic affairs.
The racist did apologize publicly after he was charged.
“I guess my fear and paranoia, I just yelled out. I don’t go on social media looking to hate on people,” Sorrell told KGW. “I guess my ignorance and my stupidity is why I opened my mouth, and I shouldn’t have and I claim full responsibility.”
“I’m sorry I blurted out what I blurted out, my paranoia my fear.” Sorrell added. “I don’t wish death upon these people.”
The Portland Police did give a few words following the attack, raising concern about the recent hate crimes in the city.
“In recent months, the City of Portland has experienced increased tension and concerns about hate crime activity and threats to community safety,” Portland Police noted. “The Bureau investigates all reports of bias-motivated crimes and encourages any member of our community who is the victim of such a crime to contact law enforcement. Under Oregon law, bias crimes are defined as any criminal act that targets a victim based on the suspect’s perception of the victim’s race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.”