32-year-old Bryan Leib opened up about his story of how his date “got up and left.” This happened after he revealed to her that he voted for Trump.
He says that he and his date spent two hours enjoying drinks and had a bird’s eye view of the skyline at the Nineteen restaurant in Philadelphia.
Then his date asked him who he voted for in the presidential election. Leib answered that he voted for Trump.
He recalled, “She stopped in her tracks and said, ‘You know what, Bryan? This has been a lot of fun, but I think we’re two completely different people.’”
Leib continued, “And she literally got up and left.”
The 32-year-old met his date on a dating app. Leib, who is a treasurer of the Philadelphia Young Republicans, also added that he is willing to date Clinton voters.
According to Melissa Hobley, chief marketing officer of OKCupid, reveals, “We’re finding that politics are becoming a bigger deal-breaker today.”
She continued, “Maybe the most they’ve been in many years, and certainly since the inception of dating apps.”
There was an OKCupid survey of one million people on whether they would date someone who voted for Trump and 65 percent of people replied, “no” or “hell no.”
Trump is making life more difficult for his supporters.
Well duh. She probably expects to be sexually assualted you f’ing moron. Why would any woman date an orange supporter?